Thank you for choosing Deibler Outdoors for your Stock Footage needs. You can download a free copyrighted version for the purpose of seeing if it will work in your project. When you're ready to purchase the non-watermarked version of the clip, please contact us. We will deliver it via FTP, e-mail a link, mail a hard drive, upload to Google Drive, WeTransfer, or whichever way is most convenient for you to receive the non-watermarked version. We accept payments through our website, PayPal, checks, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover Card.
Current pricing for our Video clips are:
Standard Definition (SD) clips: $30
High Definition (HD) clips: $50
High Definition Plus (HD+) clips: $80 (HD+ clips have increased risk or workload for our cameramen)
Ultra High Definition (UHD-4K) clips: $150 (UHD clips can be purchased at a lower resolution, such as HD)
Demo Reels (DR) can be purchased please contact us for pricing.
We also offer package deals. Our current offers are:
Buy 5 clips, Get 1 Free
Buy 10 clips, Get 3 Free
Clips are purchased on a one time commercial use license. Individual clip pricing is included in the clip name. For example, a clip name "Timber Rattlesnake UHD-4K" is $150, "Timber Rattlesnake HD+" is $80, "Timber Rattlesnake HD" is $50, "Timber Rattlesnake SD" is $30.
This is a sampling of hundreds of hours worth of footage. If you are interested, we also have for sale unedited hours worth of footage. Great for an hour long segment for a show on PBS, National Geographic, or related wildlife or nature show. If interested, please contact us with your needs, and we will let you know how much footage we have and the cost. This includes, but is not limited to:
-Mother and 2 baby (8 month old) Bobcats feeding on a Whitetail deer carcass for 2 days and nights
-Wood ducks displaying mating behavior on a beaver pond over two month period
-Vultures and other woodland creatures devouring a deer carcass within 6 hours
-Individual Whitetail deer mature buck with does filmed spring and fall over a 3 year period
-Wild hog boar family footage behavioral interactions day and night
-Lifecycle of Tufted Titmouse Songbirds inside nesting box including nest building, egg laying, feeding babies, and fledging
-Red-bellied Woodpeckers and other common birds immature and adult behavior
-Pregnant Whitetail deer and hours of mom and baby interactions
-Freshwater fishing, Saltwater fishing, Hunting (Turkey and Big game)
-Saskatchewan Whitetail Deer in snow filmed over three years in late November
-Alaskan hunting and fishing
-Pioneer Life, re-enactment of 1780's Georgia Fort life and under attack by Indians, all model released.
Current Pricing for our Photographs:
Full sized download: $20
Photographs are available for immediate download and use. You could also purchase prints and merchandise, pricing will be shown in our shopping cart.
Photographs are purchased on a one time commercial use license.